
Showing posts from March 26, 2023

More art for sale

I painted an ulu and an inuksuk on 6 x 6 x 1.5 inches canvas. They're for sale at $65.00 USD/$89.00 CAD. I accept e-transfer and Venmo. I can email that info once I know where to ship them. Shipping and Handling costs vary by location. If sold in Hampshire/Franklin counties, I can deliver.  Both are original Inuit art and similar pieces sell in the Indigenous Art Market in Toronto for the same price.  Look at previous post for other paintings for sale too.  Let me know if you're interested. Follow me on Instagram: @ella_alk and you'll find more information there.  Life is good and better with paint. 

There's still time to register

 Good morning,  It's a great day to register for the BOOM 2023- Voices from the Dawnland: Indigenous Writers Speak.  It's happening tomorrow, March 28th, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. EDT. The link is   Mohegan scholar, momma, fren, extraordinaire Rachel Beth Sayet will moderate and Narragansett elder Dawn Dove and Mohegan novelist/playwright Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel will read before me.  I have four poems ready to read.  Have a good day and I look forward to seeing you.